
Lyin’ Biden Thinks He’s Wearing a Tux, But He’s Stark Naked

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We are living in the hell inhabited by Alice In Wonderland as written by George Orwell. I am referring to the incredible, shameful propaganda campaign Joe Biden is using to douse the American public in bullshit. We see this in his declaration that the retreat from Afghanistan was a smashing success even though he broke his promise to leave no Americans behind. We see this as Secretary of Defense Austin, Joint Chiefs Chairman Miley and Secretary of State Blinken enthusiastically echo the lies.

But it is not just confined to the debacle in Afghanistan. We also see the scam in the establishment medical community and mainstream media, who are engaged in a concerted effort to smear and debunk effective palliative and therapeutic treatments of Covid–such as Ivermectin–while covering up the documented adverse effects of various Covid vaccines.