
Our Incompetent Woke Military: Three Star General Posts Photo She Thinks Are U.S. Troops Leaving Afghanistan–Turns Out They’re British

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U.S. Army Lieutenant General Maria Gervais, who heads up the Army’s Training and Doctrine Command posted a photo Saturday of what she thought were U.S. troops leaving Afghanistan, but it turns out they were British troops later IDed as being with the 16th Air Assault Brigade. Getting that third star apparently doesn’t take much in today’s woke military.

Not noticing the British uniforms and weaponry (SA80s), Gervais tweeted Saturday morning, “This picture is worth 1000 words—thanks to these American hero’s. #Grateful”

Screen capture by Arthur Schwartz. Original tweet linked below. (Update: Gen. Gervais deleted the tweet Saturday night and her follow-up tweet.)


18 minutes later Gervais acknowledged her error,