
Report: Several Planes Filled with US Citizens, Afghan SIV Holders Stranded at Northern Afghanistan Airport – Biden State Dept. Refuses to Act

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As reported earlier, several retired Special Forces and US Veterans traveled to Afghanistan to rescue and bring the people Americans home that Joe Biden left stranded.

Pineapple Express, The Sequel: Rogue Heroes Launch Phase II to Rescue Americans Left Behind by Biden; State Department Still Refuses to Provide ANY Assistance

During the first phase of their mission, they were able to help almost 700 US citizens and allies get to their evacuation flights at the airport safely. The special operators used their contacts in and outside of Afghanistan to transport people safely and even worked with US troops on the ground who had to disobey orders to help the rogue rescue effort.

Our retired soldiers care more about trapped Americans than the current Commander in Chief who told active forces on the ground to “stand down.”

The American heroes reportedly have 6 chartered airplanes (4 737’s and 2 others) on the Tarmac in northern Afghanistan with the people rescued and can’t get the administration’s help.