
Democrat Senator Blumenthal Blasts Biden Admin Over Abandoning Americans in Afghanistan: “Furious at Our Government’s Delays and Inaction”

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A “furious” Democrat Senator Richard Blumenthal (CT) released a statement Monday on his behind the scenes efforts to help evacuate stranded Americans and Afghans from Afghanistan, blasting the Biden administration for “delay and inaction.”

Blumenthal said he has been working with groups to evacuate two planeloads of Americans and Afghan stuck at the Mazar-E-Sharif airport in northwestern Afghanistan.

Blumenthal demanded the White House and State Department “do everything in their power” to facilitate the evacuation from Afghanistan and arrival at the U.S. base in Doha, Qatar.

“My staff and I have worked night and day to secure the safe passage of two planes waiting in Mazar-e-Sharif to take American citizens, at-risk Afghan allies, and their families to safety.