
“Nothing Says 81 Million Votes Like Spontaneous ‘F-You’ Chants Breaking Out in Stadiums Across the Country” – Liz Harrington on Joe Biden (VIDEO)

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Joe Biden is in Free Fall

Trump spokeswoman Liz Harrington went on OAN News this week with Natalie Harp to describe the imposter in chief.

Liz Harrington: You can’t fool the American people. And if you think about Joe Biden, he’s been propped up by the Fake News, Big Tech, and the fake suppression polls. But at the end of the day they can only prop up a fraud so much. And nothing says 81 million votes like spontaneous “f-you” chants breaking out in stadiums across the country. The American people know he didn’t get 81 million votes and when they see the deadly, devastating consequences of the preventable deaths of 13 of our best and bravest in Afghanistan,