
Psaki Runs Away When Reporter Asks, “What Happened to My Body, My Choice” When It Comes to Covid Vaccine Mandates (VIDEO)

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday told MSNBC that Joe Biden will announce mandatory vaccines on all federal workers in his scripted speech later this afternoon.

Psaki insists forced vaccines are popular with the American public today.

Biden’s move to make vaccines mandatory contradicts his previous statements.

In December, Biden said he “wouldn’t demand it be mandatory.”

A reporter confronted Psaki on the mandatory vaccine mandates for federal workers: “What happened to my body, my choice?”

Psaki ignore the reporter and ran out of the briefing room.


After ending the press briefing, @PressSec is asked “what happened to my body my choice” when it comes to covid-19 vaccine mandates pic.twitter.com/BTXpbbVaib

— Daily Caller (@DailyCaller) September 9,