
Dr. Lawrence Sellin on India’s CNN News 18: “We Are on the Cusp of a Major Geo-Strategic Shift – Facing an Alliance of China, Pakistan and the Taliban” (Video)

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Dr. Lawrence Sellin is a frequent Gateway Pundit contributor, a COVID-19 subject matter expert, a retired Colonel of the US Army Reserve and Iraq and Afghanistan war veteran.

Earlier this week Dr. Sellin went on with India’s CNN News 18 to discuss the crisis today in south Asia.

Dr. Sellin described the major geo-strategic shift we are facing.


Due to a power vacuum created by the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, South Asia is on the cusp of a major geopolitical shift due to the alliance of China, Pakistan and the Taliban.

China seeks to replace the United States as the global superpower for which economic and military domination of South Asia is an essential step.