
Investigation: 26 Out Of 27 Scientists Who Claimed Wuhan COVID Origins Were “Conspiracy Theories” — Had Ties To Wuhan

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26 out of the 27 scientists who wrote a letter in Lancet medical journal last year claiming COVID coming from the Wuhan lab was a “conspiracy” had ties to the Wuhan lab.

This letter helped shut down the debate over the lab being a source of the virus.

From The Daily Mail:

Of the 27 scientists who wrote a letter in The Lancet medical journal dismissing the possibility that Covid-19 originated from a Wuhan lab, 26 have links to its Chinese researchers, their colleagues or its benefactors, a new investigation has revealed.

On March 7 last year, the influential journal published the letter in which the 27 scientists said they ‘strongly condemned conspiracy theories’ surrounding the origins of the coronavirus pandemic that has impacted all corners of the world.