
WATCH: Surveillance Video of Antifa Terrorist Shooting Proud Boy Tusitala “Tiny” Toese Released by Olympia PD

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Washington – The Olympia Police Department on Friday released surveillance video of Antifa dressed in black bloc shooting Proud Boy Tusitala “Tiny” Toese.

Last weekend the Proud Boys and other right-wing protesters had been facing off with members of Antifa who showed up to antagonize a medical freedom rally. Toese was reportedly attempting to chase them off when he was shot, though it is currently unclear who shot him.


Tiny of the #ProudBoys has been shot here in Olympia, Washington. The shooting took place .8 miles away from the state Capitol, after Proud Boys pursued #Antifa Black Bloc- who showed up within a square block of a Medical Freedom protest. pic.twitter.com/QMZxFasWRJ

— Jeremy Lee Quinn (@JLeeQuinn) September 4,