
Washington University Student Senator, Fadel Alkilani, Caught Throwing Away American Flags From 9/11 Memorial

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A student senator at Washington University in St. Louis was caught on camera throwing away American flags that were placed on campus as memorial for 9/11.

The student, identified as Fadel Alkilani, is chairman of the student senate finance committee at the school.

Nathaniel Hope, a member of the UW College Republicans, caught Alkilani throwing away the flags and confronted him on video.

WOW: A student senator at @WUSTL was caught on video throwing away 2,977 American flags from conservative students’ 9/11: Never Forget Project memorial.

Despicable. pic.twitter.com/j6Wf1mdyLl

— YAF (@yaf) September 11, 2021

The flags are part of a project by the Young Americans for Freedom to remember those who lost their lives on that fateful day 20 years ago.