
Hollywood A-List Actor Slams “Horror” Newsom and Endorses Larry Elder for California Governor: “We Are In A Disgusting War of Left Wing Mentality”

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Hollywood actor Jon Voight gave a fierce endorsement of Larry Elder on Twitter just days before the California recall election. 

Despite leading Newsom in the latest polling, Elder needs all the help he can get – because hey, lets be honest, its California…

WAYNE ROOT: Why Larry Elder Will Win the California Recall Election…But He Will Lose a Rigged Election Just Like Trump

The ‘Enemy of the State’ actor slammed Newsom, calling him a “horror” and called upon citizens to vote for Elder to “restore” the state.

Jon Voight: “My fellow Americans, we are in a disgusting war of left wing mentality. How can we live with our children being exposed to this left – Our governor Newsom,