
Fox’s Steve Hilton Slams Bush and Biden in Monologue Comparing Them to Robber Barons

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Steve Hilton

In Steve Hilton’s powerful opening monologue for his Fox News show ‘The Next Revolution,’ the host slammed former President George Bush and Joe Biden by comparing them to robber barons Andrew Carnegie and John D. Rockefeller.

Hilton explained that Carnegie and Rockefeller “lied, cheated, killed people and destroyed communities” all in the name of economic power — but hated having a bad image and wanted people to forget what they had done.

So, Carnegie built public libraries and Rockefeller set up foundations. “They found a way to con the establishment into moving on,” Hilton said.

“That’s what we’re seeing today with these two,” Hilton said, with a photo of Biden and Bush on the screen next to him.