
Biden Effect: Taliban Hunt Down Afghan Journalists – Beat Them with Batons, Electrical Cables and Sticks for Covering Women’s Protest

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Joe Biden made this.
The Taliban terrorists are now hunting down US allies, journalists and Afghan minorities for payback.

Thousands of US allies and minorities, including the Hazara, have been murdered since the Taliban took charge and Joe Biden left them with billions of dollars of US arms.

در آموزشگاه، دانشگاه، ورزشگاه، زایشگاه و هرجایی که هستیم، می‌زنند و می‌کشند#StopHazaraGenocide pic.twitter.com/qqdH8s4WwF

— نعمت نقدی (@NeamatNaqdi) June 5, 2021

Two journalists were recently kidnapped and beaten by the Taliban nearly to death.

The video is horrific.

Imagine how much this Afghan journalist has been beaten by the Taliban terrorists. This is what Pakistan/Taliban want to achieve in Afghanistan.