
Former Secretary of Defense Esper Was Reportedly Involved with General Milley In Rogue Calls with China

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President Trump was surrounded by treacherous and even perhaps treasonous monsters in his Administration.  His entire tenure was one big revolving coup.  

According to Mediaite:

Defense Secretary Mark Esper reportedly took the lead in Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Mark Milley’s effort to comfort the Chinese government amid January’s unrest in Washington, D.C.

A senior defense official confirmed the allegation, according to Washington Post columnist Josh Rogin, who wrote on Twitter on Wednesday, “Milley was absolutely not going rogue. Esper took the initiative on this in October. Esper asked his own policy folks to backchannel the message. Milley’s message followed Esper’s.”

The word of Esper and Milley’s actions really come as no surprise.