
Pelosi Trashes Trump Supporters as “Cult” Members During Moderated Conversation in UK Ahead of G7 Speakers’ Meeting (VIDEO)

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) traveled to the United Kingdom this week ahead of the G7 Speakers’ meeting, which begins Friday in Chorley, England.

“It is a privilege to join my G7 colleagues in the United Kingdom to discuss a top priority for legislatures and governments across the world: how to balance security and openness, particularly in light of challenges from the coronavirus pandemic, cyberthreats and terrorism,” said Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “Public access to the workings of government is a cornerstone of democracy, and it is therefore imperative that parliaments and legislatures remain as open and transparent to the public as possible. We need to hear from – and be accountable to – those we are privileged to represent,