
Fauci in 2019: You Don’t Need Masks, ‘Paranoid Tool’ (VIDEO)

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Dr. Fauci in a 2019 interview David Rubenstein said face masks are unnecessary and dismissed them as a “paranoid” tool.

At the end of the interview, which aired May 22, 2019, Rubenstein asked Fauci how to best protect himself from an infectious disease.

“And the best way to prevent me from getting an infectious disease and having to have you as my doctor is what – Um, wearing a mask?” Rubenstein queried.

“No, no, no,” Fauci said chuckling.

“If somebody’s getting ready to sneeze or cough, walk away?” Rubenstein added.

“You avoid all the paranoid aspects and do something positive,” Fauci said before listing common sense actions a person can take to stay healthy.