
No Supporters, Not Even Jill, Greet 81 Million Vote Getter Joe Biden as He Returns Home for Rehoboth Beach, Delaware Vacation

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Joe Biden returned to the sound of silence to his home state of Delaware Friday for a long weekend at his Rehoboth Beach vacation home–no supporters, not even wife Dr. Jill, were there to greet him, according to videos taken of his arrival.

Joe Biden arrives at Dover Air Force base for a weekend trip at Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, screen image via pool video, September 17, 2021

Video of Biden arriving at Dover Air Force Base. No Jill seen and no cheers from supporters heard.

President Biden arrives in Dover, Delaware pic.twitter.com/Bd2cTPQCet

— The Hill (@thehill) September 17, 2021

Photos and video of Biden’s helicopter arrival at Rehoboth Beach,