
Newsom’s Office Refuses to Say Whether CA Governor is Quarantining After Two of His Children Test Positive For Covid-19

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Two of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s four children have tested positive for Covid-19.

Newsom, his wife, Jennifer Siebel Newsom, and their other two kids tested negative for the China virus.

“The governor’s children tested positive for COVID-19. The governor, the first partner, and the other two children have since tested negative,” Newsom spokeswoman Erin Mellon said.

“The family is following all COVID protocols,” Mellon continued. “The Newsoms continue to support masking for unvaccinated individuals indoors to stop the spread and advocate for vaccinations as the most effective way to end this pandemic.”

Newsom’s office however refused to say if the governor was quarantining.

Imagine the media backlash if Newsom was a Republican.