
Biden Campaign Staffers Target, Attempt to Bankrupt Another Trump Supporter After They Escorted Biden Bus from Texas Surrounded by MAGA Flags

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When the Biden campaign bus drove through Texas last October, it was greeted by cars bearing big pro-Trump flags and banners at every turn.

Nobody was violent.

Instead of just laughing off the PR disaster, Democrats, who insist every illegal and fraudulent vote must be counted, began screaming about voter suppression.

They even called 911 on the Trump caravan, suddenly taking a shine to the police they otherwise want to defund.

This is a traffic violation and attempted homicide. Why hasn’t anyone been arrested? pic.twitter.com/QnfF4vXMQn

— melissa “cancel student debt” byrne (@mcbyrne) October 31, 2020


In a federal lawsuit, the party of looting,