
Psaki Invokes Biden’s Dead Son When Confronted on Drone Strike that Killed Afghan Civilians, Including Seven Children (VIDEO)

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Monday was confronted about the Biden Admin’s drone strike that killed 10 Afghan civilians, including 7 children.

Not one “high-level ISIS” terrorist was killed in Biden’s drone strike.

The US military conducted a drone strike one day after a suicide bomber in Kabul killed 13 US service members and wounded 15 more.

The Pentagon immediately came out and claimed the drone strike killed “high-level ISIS handlers,” however they refused to name the terrorists.

It was all lies.

Biden droned 7 children and a few innocent aid workers.

When confronted about these war crimes, Psaki invoked Biden’s dead children.

Biden’s son Beau passed away from Cancer in 2015.