
WATCH – EXCLUSIVE: Woman Goes In For Flu Shot – Nurses Use WRONG Vial: “Maybe This Wasn’t An Accident. Maybe They’re Just Really Trying To Get Everyone Vaccinated.”

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Savannah Courtad signed up to get a flu shot in Fresno, California, and was very confused when she was told to come back for her second dose. 

Savannah later found out that Walgreens did not give her the flu shot. They gave her a COVID-19 vaccine without her consent.

The Gateway Pundit reported this earlier today.

Huge Mistake? – Teen Requests Flu Shot, Then Told To Come Back For Her Second Dose: “I Never Gave Consent For The COVID-19 Vaccine To Be Injected Into My Body”

She shared her story on Instagram in a post, and gave us the receipts showing that she was signed up for a flu shot, only.

Her nurses acted like it was no big deal,