
Thousands Attend at “Mandate Free Maui” Against Tyrannical Governance Imposed in the State of Hawaii

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Thousands of participants in Maui, Hawaii came together on Saturday to participate in the “Mandate FREE Maui” March and Rally calling for an end to all COVID mandates.

Bruce Douglas organized “Mandate FREE Maui” to unite vaccinated and unvaccinated to demand medical freedom of choice and to promote”no restaurant vax pass discrimination.”

Concerned citizens in the grassroots movement and local business owners came together to support the event. Business owners are facing passport mandates to check at the door, as well as capacity reductions from 75% to 50% and a host of other edicts. The science and data being used to justify these orders are inconsistent and inaccurate from the SO-CALLED EXPERTS.

A resident from Maui reached out to Gateway Pundit about their current situation in Hawaii.