
Psaki Follows Lead of Corrupt DHS Chief Mayorkas, Refuses to Say How Many Haitians Have Actually Been Deported (VIDEO)

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Earlier this week corrupt DHS Chief Alejandro Mayorkas told lawmakers he doesn’t know how many Haitians have been deported and how many have been allowed to stay in the US.

Mayorkas is either lying or he’s incompetent.

Either way, he should be fired.

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki followed Mayorkas’ lead and refused to say how many Haitians have been deported and how many have been released into the US with NTAs (Notice to appear).

The Biden Administration claimed it was deporting Haitians camped out at Del Rio and flying them back to their homeland.

A few flights have deported Haitians to Port-au-Prince – but the majority of Haitians are either camped out in Texas or have been released into the US.