
“You Got Child Pornography on that Hard Drive – The Pictures of the Young Girl with No Clothes On” – Rudy Giuliani Speaks Out on Hunter Biden’s Laptop (VIDEO)

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The mainstream media, tech giants, and ideological DC elites ran interference for Joe Biden and openly lied about Hunter Biden’s crimes during the 2020 election.

Earlier this week Politico reported what we all already knew — the Hunter Biden laptop including its content of porn, drug use, child pornography, and major financial corruption was real and authentic.

This was after Politico last year accused the Hunter Biden laptop story of being Russia disinformation before the election.

Joining Politico last year —  50 former US intelligence officials lied and also claimed the Hunter Biden laptop reports were Russian disinformation.

On Wednesday Rudy Giuliani told Rob Schmitt on Newsmax that he felt vindicated.