
MARICOPA COUNTY JUDGEMENT DAY: Arizona Audit Report Revealed Today at 1 PM – CRIMINAL EVIDENCE Will Be Referred To Attorney General Mark Brnovich — LIVE STREAM VIDEO

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The Arizona audit report will be released today during an Arizona Senate Hearing scheduled at 1 p.m.

The Gateway Pundit broke this story last week.

BREAKING: AZ Candidate For Secretary of State Mark Finchem: “I Call On Arizona To Decertify The Election Of 2020 And Recall The Electors… We Have A Duty To Act” – 96K+ GHOST VOTES

Today, we will finally see the long-awaited results from the Arizona Senate’s historic full forensic audit of the 2020 Maricopa County election.

Maricopa County officials and Steve Chucri continue to claim that this was the most secure election in history and that no fraud occurred.

The Gateway Pundit has been dropping nukes on this fake narrative after obtaining secret audio recordings of Steve Chucri,