
UPDATE: Final Arizona Audit Report Will Be Released at 1 PM – The Draft Report Making the Rounds Is Incomplete and a Draft

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The mockingbird fake news media is parroting claims that CyberNinjas confirmed a Biden win through a preliminary audit draft.

The results aren’t even out yet.

Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, CNN’s worst audit correspondent, declared victory last night.

Yes, he is actually writing articles for CNN.

He tweeted total bogus claims last night and continued tweeting for hours about how Biden won.

.@ben_giles reports that:
1) Cyber Ninjas = “Biden won”
2) Audit spokesman Randy Pullen = “Was there massive fraud or anything? It doesn’t look like it,” he added.

— Stephen Richer—Maricopa Cnty Recorder (prsnl acct) (@stephen_richer) September 24, 2021

Randy Pullen told The Gateway Pundit that this was a misrepresentation and he did not say this.