
AZ Audit Finds Proof of Pre-Meditated Fraud: Multiple Ballots Had “Verified and Approved” Stamp PRE-PRINTED BEHIND Signature Box

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Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, M.I.T. PhD, the Inventor of Email, was the first presenter Friday afternoon at the Arizona Senate Audit.

Dr. Shiva and his team at Echomail investigated the mail-in ballot envelopes from Maricopa County.

He demonstrated the bombshell results of his team’s research – including evidence over 17,000 duplicate ballots – and he addressed issues related to ballot signature cards during his 30+ minute testimony.

Dr. Shiva at AZ Senate Hearing: Over 17,000 Total Duplicate Ballots — Votes By Those Who Voted More Than Once in Arizona — 1.5 Times Biden’s Winning Margin (VIDEO)

Keep in mind, Trump lost Arizona by a margin of less than 10,500. The 17,000 duplicates are more than 1.5-times the total of Joe Biden’s alleged “victory” in Arizona.