
Law Professor: Biden Has Already Prejudiced Border Agent Investigation

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Biden threatened Border Patrol agents over their alleged treatment of migrants at the border.

.@POTUS on Border Patrol agents in Del Rio: “Of course I take responsibility, I’m president. … To see people treated like they did, horses nearly running them over, people being strapped. It’s outrageous. I promise you those people will pay.”https://t.co/BPa7voMRap pic.twitter.com/1NDhXJtUwX

— CSPAN (@cspan) September 24, 2021

Now, we have this.

Law Professor John Turley exposed that Biden has already turned this into a biased investigation.

Turley said that it “sends a message to investigators about the expected conclusions of their work.”

From John Turley:

Presidents long resisted pressure to get them to comment on pending cases or investigations to avoid charges of undue influence or bias in the results.