
VIDEO: Angry ASU Women Harass and Abuse White Students for Racist “Police Matter” Sticker on a Computer

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More insanity at a US college campus…
Two multicultural women approached two young white men at a ASU student center and started screaming at them.

The angry women were outraged that one of the students would have a “police matter” sticker on the back of his computer.

So they screamed at the white students while they were studying.

🚨 This insanity is happening on college campuses pic.twitter.com/BrVxICZYqP

— Libs of Tik Tok (@libsoftiktok) September 24, 2021

The ASU campus released a statement on the incident later today.

@ASU has just responded in a statement describing the episode (in which white students were ejected from a multicultural center on account of their race) a “disagreement between a handful of students.” pic.twitter.com/YhPDFWacDB

— Gregg Re (@gregg_re) September 24,