
Biden Gang Wants Closer Ties with China While Ignoring China’s COVID Guilt and Intimidating Flights Over Taiwan

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Every action the Biden Administration has made is in China’s favor – everyone.  So it comes as no surprise that China Joe is wanting to help China some more.

We asked months ago, who would be leading Binden’s Administration if he stole the 2020 Election?  Would it be Obama, Soros, or China?  It appears now as it did then, that all three would run Biden’s Administration.

President Trump Asked: “Does Anyone Know Who’s Controlling Biden?”

It comes as no surprise that China Joe would try and help China some more.  The Washington Free Beacon reports this weekend that Biden’s Commerce Secretary is wanting closer relations with China.

Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo called Friday for closer business ties with China even as Beijing increases its military muster.