
FLASHBACK APRIL 2019: Bogus Trump-Russia Alfa Bank Connections Were Created By Hillary Supporter, Working with Fusion GPS — And Pushed BY CROOKED HILLARY!

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Here is a flashback report we posted at The Gateway Pundit back in April 2019.

We now know that the Hillary Clinton campaign was behind the elaborate Trump-Russia hoax.

Again… Please note that we posted this back in April 2019!

Guest post by Joe Hoft

A review of the data pertaining to the accusations in the phony Steele dossier about a Trump-Russia Bank connection discovered the sources used is most likely the same source the FBI used to obtain a FISA warrant to investigate the Trump-Alfa Bank connection.
This person also just happens to be a radical Hillary Clinton supporter!

It’s been more than two years since the 2016 election and Americans still don’t really know the sources for the phony Steele dossier used by the FBI and DOJ to obtain FISA warrants to spy on candidate and then President Trump.