
As We Reported Months Ago: Maricopa County Hired Two Firms to Audit its 2020 Election Results – Senate Audit Confirms Their Work Was Shoddy at Best

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Maricopa County hired two firms to perform abbreviated IT audits for around $100,000 in place of the forensic audit performed in Arizona.  The results of the Senate’s audit show that their work was shoddy at best.

We reported in January that the voting machine-related companies that were selected by Maricopa County to perform audits of the County’s 2020 Election results were not certified by the EAC as the County claimed.

WE CAUGHT THEM: Arizona’s Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Lied – EAC Updated Website after Gateway Pundit Report Discovered Their Auditors Were Uncertified

These same firms were involved in certifying machines across the country before the 2020 election.

BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: The Same Clandestine Companies Involved in the Certification of Dominion Voting Systems and the 2020 Results in Georgia Were Chosen for the Upcoming Arizona ‘Audit’

We performed a comparison between the work from the two audit firms and the Senate in May,