
DC Tent City Smells Like Crap – Toilet Servicer Won’t Empty Porta Potties because Dem Officials Haven’t Paid Him

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Ahh, the smell of Democrat leadership in the morning!
The Washington DC tent city smells like crap these days and there’s a reason for that.

Democrat city officials are not paying the servicer of the porta potties so he quit emptying the toilets.

The city hasn’t paid for the services in 4 to 5 months.
Everything is a freebie to these people!

WJLA reported:

“Some of ’em, you open it up, and, aw, nah, you ain’t going in there,” says Vernon Russell.

Russell is one of the hundreds of tent dwellers in D.C., and he spoke to 7News Monday about some of the portable toilets available on the street.