
Hate Hoax: After Student Walkout Protest – Black Student Admits to Posting Racist Graffiti at Parkway Central High School in St. Louis County

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Students at Parkway Central High School in St. Louis County held a walkout protest last Thursday after racist graffiti was found at the school last week.

As a @ParkwayAlumni Class of 2012 Parkway West, I stand with the students and parents at Parkway Central who walked out today and said no to racism in school. pic.twitter.com/KumOyvQlfZ

— Rep Rasheen Aldridge. Jr (He/Him) (@RepSheenBean) September 23, 2021

On Tuesday School Superintendent Keith Marty admitted to parents the culprit was identified and that the student is black.

Yet, another hate hoax.

Several hundred students “tired and angry” about racist acts walked out of Parkway Central High School in protest on Thursday morning,