
JUST IN: Democrat-Controlled House Votes 219-212 to Suspend Debt Ceiling Through December 2022

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Speaker Pelosi

The Democrat-controlled House of Representatives on Wednesday voted 219-212 to suspend the debt ceiling through December 16, 2022.

Every Republican voted no except for toxic RINO Adam Kinzinger.

Two Democrat lawmakers joined with the GOP and voted no: Reps Jared Golden and Kurt Schrader.

The House-passed bill will head to the Senate where it is expected to die on arrival.

U.S. House APPROVES suspending debt limit until December 16, 2022.

Bill goes now to the Senate. pic.twitter.com/svixnKwcFb

— CSPAN (@cspan) September 29, 2021

“Democrats are for the people and will never let the full faith and credit of the United States be questioned — because we took an oath to the Constitution of the United States,