
Crazy Liz Cheney Hits Rock Bottom – Attacks Trump Supporters, Republicans During Gen. Milley Testimony – Praises General After Historic Afghanistan Disaster (VIDEO)

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Liz Cheney’s Trump hatred hit rock bottom today.
She desperately needs help. Where are her parents?

On Wednesday General Mark Milley, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin testified before the House Armed Services Committee.

When it came time for Liz to question Mark Milley and Lloyd Austin about their historic failures in Afghanistan Liz Cheney chose instead to applaud Mark Milley for his integrity and his devotion to the military.

Liz is nuts.

No questions about the $85 billion in military weapons Milley, Austin and Biden left the Taliban terrorists.
No questions on the thousands and thousands of stranded Americans and green card holder — still today — trapped behind enemy lines.