
INEXCUSABLE: Biden’s DHS Issues New Guidelines that Directly Violate US Immigration Law – Instructs Agents Not to Deport Illegals Solely for Being in the US Illegally

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Alejandro Mayorkas, Department of Homeland Security Secretary

On Thursday, the open-borders Biden regime issued new guidelines to immigration officers that say they should not deport any illegal alien solely because they are here illegally.

The guidelines are set to go into effect in November and directly violate US immigration laws that are currently on the books.

This is how America ends. https://t.co/ZxOPeOA6lo

— BDW (@BryanDeanWright) September 30, 2021

Instead, federal resources will now be used to apprehend and deport illegals only if pose a threat to national security or the public safety of US citizens.

That is unless they live in a leftist sanctuary city,