
Psaki Defends Joe Biden’s Empty Schedule: “He’s Open to Having Visitors; He’s Open to Going Places” (VIDEO)

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White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday defended Joe Biden’s empty schedule.

White House reporters on Thursday bombarded Psaki with questions about the $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill that is currently stuck in the senate.

Democrats have control of the both chambers of Congress and the White House yet they still can’t pass Biden’s $3.5 trillion spending bill through reconciliation.

Joe Biden doesn’t even need Republicans to pass this bill and he’s still failing.

Joe Biden’s schedule for September 30 is virtually empty.

All Biden has done today is receive his “daily presidential briefing.”

A reporter asked Psaki if Biden is willing to stay in DC all weekend to work on the two ‘infrastructure’ bills stalled in Congress and as usual she defended her boss with a nonsensical answer.