
Senior Army Flight Surgeon: Pilots May Die In Mid Flight From COVID Vaccines, DoD Abandoned MRI Scan Protocol

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Pilots who have been injected with the experimental COVID-19 vaccine may die in mid-flight from side the jab’s adverse heart side effects, a senior U.S. Army flight surgeon warns in an affidavit against Biden administration.

According to the recent data published by the Center for Disease Control, the development of myocarditis or pericarditis, a rare heart inflammatory condition, is directly correlated to receiving a second Covid-19 vaccine shot.

CDC safety group chairman Dr. Grace Lee admits “clinical presentation of myocarditis cases following vaccination has been distinct, occurring most often within one week after dose two, with chest pain as the most common presentation.”

Not only are airmen are irrefutably at risk of dying during flight after receiving the COVID mRNA gene therapy injections,