
Likely Charges Announced Against Lt. Col. Scheller for Speaking Out Against Military Leaders Who Surrendered to Taliban and Armed them with $80 Billion in US Weapons

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Congressman Troy Nehls (R-TX) contacted Col. Maura M. Hennigan from the Marine Corps Liaison Office to get some answers on Lt. Col. Stuart Sheller’s pre-trial confinement.

Rep. Nehls was told by Col. Hennigan that Lt. Col. Scheller is being held in confinement due to coronavirus. WTH?

She then listed off a number of charges Lt. Col. Stuart Scheller will likely face for daring to rebuke military leadership for surrendering to the Taliban, arming the terrorists group with $83 billion in US weapons, and stranding thousands of Americans and green card holders in the country. When 13 American servicemen and women were slaughtered by an ISIS bomber Lt. Col. Scheller spoke out.

Here is the information Rep.