
Merck & Co. Cheers Experimental Antiviral Pill for COVID-19 That Cuts Death and Hospitalization By Half – Sort of Like HCQ and Ivermectin

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Merck & Co. already failed twice in its quest to develop a vaccine, but now says an experimental antiviral pill for COVID-19 reduces the risk of hospitalization and even death by half of the people infected with the virus when given early.

During clinical trial, Molnupiravir, was given to the patients recently infected with COVID-19 twice a day and the results were outstanding according to the company.

Within the next two weeks, Merck will ask health officials for emergency use authorization for the drug in the US and around the world.

The liberal media is touting the news but downplayed and lied about hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and Ivermectin for over a year now.  This is despite HCQ’s 75% success rate in early treatment mortality tests and Ivermectin’s solid results in India and elsewhere.