
EXCLUSIVE: Numerous Chinese Manufacturers Are Working Only 1-Day a Week As China Faces an Economic Crisis – 20 of 31 Provinces Roll Out Electricity Rationing

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China’s manufacturing is shrinking faster than China or the media will let on.  Mixed with the corporate and government solvency issues in the trillions, the country is facing a financial crisis.

We’ve reported on the solvency crisis of numerous companies involved in China real estate are facing of late.  It started with Evergrande and now multiple companies with billions in debt have been identified with solvency issues.

Three More Companies Join Evergrande – Unable to Meet Debt Obligations – Total Debt of Nearly Half a Trillion USD Facing Solvency Issues in China

The Gateway Pundit also reported on the solvency issues local governments are facing.  Another $8 trillion is reportedly hidden in the books of local governments throughout the country.