
UPDATE: Colorado’s Saguache County Abandons ‘Emergency Regulations’ Stripping Individual Freedoms from Its Residents, After TGP Article, Patriots Show Up and Resolution Is Rescinded

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Last week we reported on Colorado’s Saguache County approving measures allowing warrantless entry into households and preventing the sale of guns and ammo per an Emergency Resolution.  This week the document was rescinded.  

Over the weekend we reported on a resolution in Saguache County, Colorado, related to ’emergencies’ and the actions the local government could take.  The resolution basically allowed the County to have total control over the people in the county once an ’emergency’ has been claimed by the County.

Colorado’s Saguache County Adopts ‘Emergency Regulations’ Allowing Warrantless Entry to Private Property and Preventing Sale of Firearms and Ammo Into

The people of Saguache County read our piece and showed up at the County Commission’s meeting Tuesday night.