
BREAKING EXCLUSIVE: Clayton Missouri School District Is Using US AG Garland’s Son-In-Law’s Panorama Books Pushing CRT – Is Your District Too?

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We have uncovered that the Clayton Missouri Board of Education is using the conterversial Panorama literature in the school district’s educational curriculum.  How many school districts around the country are paying for this racist garbage?

On Monday US Attorney General Merrick Garland ordered his FBI to mobilize against parents who oppose the racist critical race theory (CRT) at school and other local board meetings across the country.

AG Merrick Garland Instructs FBI to Mobilize Against Parents Who Oppose Critical Race Theory, Covid Mandates in Public Schools

Then yesterday we revealed the fact that AG Garland’s son-in-law runs a company that sells CRT literature across the country.  This is big business and very profitable.  His company is named Panorama.