
“I’m Willing to Lose Everything…Even My Life” – Anesthesiologist Escorted Out of UCLA Medical Plaza for Refusing to Get Covid Vaccine (VIDEO)

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California – An anesthesiologist was escorted out of UCLA medical plaza this week for refusing to get the Covid vaccine.

Dr. Christopher Rake took video of himself being escorted out of the UCLA Medical Plaza in Westwood.

“They are escorting me out of the building… This is what happens when you stand up for freedom and when you show up to work, willing to work, despite being unvaccinated, and this is the price you have to pay sometimes,” Dr. Rake said. “But what they don’t realize is that I’m willing to go lose everything — job, paycheck, freedom, even my life for this cause.”

He added, “Be well. United we stand, divided we fall.”

Anesthesiologists go through 12-14 years of medical school and residency and can’t just be replaced.