
Lithuanian Shares a Glimpse of Life Without a COVID Passport in His Homeland: Freedom Is Gone – You Are Treated Like a Social Outcast

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Below is a series of tweets from a man named Gluboco Lietuva in Lithuania.  He shares his experience as an outcast in his country because he and his wife refuse to take the COVID jab.  Now all freedom is lost to the people in charge.

Gluboco Lietuva

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7 Oct, 22 tweets, 5 min read

With no Covid Pass, my wife and I are banished from society.
We have no income.Banned from most shopping.Can barely exist.
But we will not accept authoritarianism.
Here’s how life looks after one month in Lithuania,under Europe’s first strict,society-wide Covid Pass regime:
My wife and I have been suspended without pay for 4 weeks.  » READ MORE