
AMERICAN STASI UPDATE: FBI Raids Home of Local Proud Boys Chapter President in Delaware at 4 AM with More than a Dozen Agents and Battering Ram – Handcuff His Girlfriend

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This is the end of democracy.
Being a Trump supporter is now a federal crime and the FBI will raid your home in the middle of the night.
No one is safe in Obama-Biden’s America.

The FBI raided the home of a Proud Boy local chapter president in the middle of the night on Friday. They brought over a dozen agents in riot gear and a battering ram. They handcuffed Aaron Wolkind and his girlfriend and demanded they exit their home.

Wolkind was not arrested.

PennLive reported:

The FBI raided the home of the vice president of the Proud Boys’ Philadelphia chapter on Friday, seizing his computer, phone and other electronics to gather information on the Jan.