
Factcheck: Dr. Fauci’s Claim that the “Highly Effective and Safe Vaccine” Prevents Individual from Getting Infected with COVID-19 is FALSE (VIDEO)

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Dr. Fauci in his recent interview with David Westin of Bloomberg said that the ‘highly effective and safe vaccine’ will help prevent individuals from getting infected with the COVID-19.

We all know this is absolutely ‘false.’

You truly cannot trust a single word this man says. His statements today are completely contradicted by his statements from yesterday and tomorrow.  He continues to rewrite science on a whim that is not based on anything but the words from his mouth.

Before we go to his recent interview, let’s look at the real science and facts. The Gateway Pundit previously reported cases where fully vaccinated people are more prone to COVID-19 than unvaccinated individuals.

The latest numbers from the UK reveal the COVID infection rates among the vaccinated people now exceed the unvaxxed in every age group over 30.