
More Than Half of Americans Believe Cheating Tainted the 2020 Presidential Election and the Number of Americans Who Believe This Is Increasing

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Americans know that Biden cheated to win the 2020 Election.  It was the only way he could win.

In late October 2020 we predicted President Trump would win the 2020 Election.  We based this in part on the results of the rallies each candidate had leading up to the election.  President Trump ultimately had 1.1 million attendees at his rallies to Joe Biden’s less than 2,000 attendees.  This was going to be a runaway election.

2020 Election Prediction: Despite Massive Headwinds and Democrat Attempts to Steal Election, President Trump Will Win in Larger Landslide than 2016

But we underestimated the amount of corruption embedded in the election.  Big Media giants, Big Tech, the DOJ and FBI,