
American Stasi: Corrupt Biden DOJ and FBI Are Now Arresting Any of the Tens of Thousands of Trump Supporters Who Were Standing HUNDREDS of Yards Away from US Capitol

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The Revolver News continued its exceptional reporting on the Jan. 6 protests and protests and the FBI’s involvement in planning and running operatives at the US Capitol that day.

As The Gateway Pundit reported last week retired Green Beret Jeremy Brown was arrested in Florida for attending the Jan. 6 protests and standing outside of the US Capitol.

Breaking: FBI Arrests Retired Green Beret Jeremy Brown for Attending Jan. 6 Protests and Standing Outside Capitol — AFTER HE REFUSED TO BE THEIR INFORMANT!

The FBI had attempted to recruit Jeremy Brown as an operative to work the Jan. 6 protests for them.

in their arrest affidavit that American hero Jeremy Brown was arrested only because he was standing outside the US Capitol on January 6th.